Aikido dictionary

This dictionary includes japanese words used in Aikido and in association to Aikido.

Aikido Seishin Kai


Ohayo gozaimasu Good morning
Kon’ nichi wa Good afternoon
Konban wa Good evening
Oyasumi nasai Good night
Sayonara Good bye



Arigato Thank you (present, less polite)
Arigato gozaimasu Thank you (present)
Arigato gozaimashita Thank you (past)
Domo Thank you (present, less polite)
Domo arigato gozaimasu Thank you very much (present)
Domo arigato gozaimashita Thank you very much (past)
Sumimasen Excuse me/I am sorry (present/future)
Shitsurei shimasu Excuse me (present or future)
Shitsurei shimashita I am sorry / Excuse me (past)
Gomen nasai I am very sorry
… kodasai Please
Dozo Go ahead.
Do itashimashite Do not mention it / you are welcome
Onegai shimasu Please
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu Please (polite)
Dozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu Please (very polite)


  Questions and Answers

Hai Yes
Iie No
Nan desu ka ? What ?
O-genki desu ka ? How are you ?
Hai, genki desu. Yes, just fine.
Iie, genki de wa arimasen. No, not so good.
Ii desu ka ? Is it OK ?
Hai, ii desu. Yes, it is OK.
Iie, ii de wa arimasen. No, it is not OK.
Wakarimasu ka ? (Do you) understand ?
Hai, wakarimasu Yes, (I) understand.
Iie, wakarimasen No, (I) do not understand.
Wakarimashita ka? (Did you) understand ?
Hai, wakarimashita Yes, (I) understood.
Iie, wakarimasen deshita No, (I) did not understand.
Suwarimasu kodasai Please sit down
Suwarinasai Sit down
Tachinasai Stand up



Kaeshimasu To counter / reverse
Kirimasu To cut
Kerimasu To kick
Mawarimasu To turn/spin
Nagemasu To throw
Suwarimasu To sit
Tachimasu To stand
Tsukimasu To thrust
Uchimasu To strike



Ii / yoi Good
Tadashii Correct
Okii Big
Chiisai Small
Abunai Dangerous
Subarashii Outstanding
Genki Healthy / energetic
Dame Wrong / bad
Warui Bad
Totemo Very …


  Position and Direction

Mae Front
Ushiro Behind
Migi Right
Hidari Left
Yoko Side
Uchi Inside
Soto Outside
Ue Above
Shita Below
Omote Front, positive
Ura Reverse, negative, outside
Gyaku Reverse
Gaeshi To reverse
Ryo Both
Renzoku Combination / continuos
Nagare Flow
Irmi To enter, entering
Kaiten Rotation / spin
Musubi Uniting, bonding



0. zero / rei 0. Zero
Nibun Half
Yombun Quater
Happun One eight
1/2 nibun no ichi 1/2 one half
1/4 yombun no ichi 1/4 one quater
1/8 happun no ichi 1/8 one eight
1. Ichi 1. One
2. Ni 2. Two
3. San 3. Three
4. Shi / Yon 4. Four
5. Go 5. Five
6. Roku 6. Six
7. Shichi / Nana 7. Seven
8. Hachi 8. Eight
9. Kyu / Ku 9. Nine
10. Ju 10. Ten
11. Ju-ichi 11. Eleven
12. Ju-ni 12. Twelve
13. Ju-san 13. Thirteen
14. Ju-shi / Ju-yon 14. Fourteen
15. Ju-go 15. Fifthteen
16. Ju-roku 16. Sixteen
17. Ju-shichi / Ju-nana 17. Seventeen
18. Ju-hachi 18. Eighteen
19. Ju-kyu /Ju-ku 19. Ninteen
20. Ni-ju 20. Twenty
21. Ni-ju-ichi 21. Twentyone
22. Ni-ju-ni 22. Twentytwo
23. Ni-ju-san 23. Twentythree
24. Ni-ju-shi / Ni-ju-yon 24. Twentyfour
25. Ni-ju-go 25. Twentyfive
26. Ni-ju-roku 26. Twentysix
27. Ni-ju-shichi / Ni-ju-nana 27. Twentyseven
28. Ni-ju-hachi 28. Twentyeight
29. Ni-ju-kyu / Ni-ju-ku 29. Twentynine
30. San-ju 30. Thirty
31. San-ju-ichi 31. Thirtyone
10. Ju 10. Ten
20. Ni-ju 20. Twenty
30. San-ju 30. Thirty
40. Yon-ju 40. Fourty
50. Go-ju 50. Fifthty
60. Roku-ju 60. Sixty
70. Nana-ju 70. Seventy
80. Hachi-ju 80. Eighty
90. Kyu-ju 90. Ninety
100. Hyuaku 100. One hundred


  Ranks and Titles

-san Mr/Mrs
-sensei, Sensei Teacher / Instructor
Shihan Master instructor
O´Sensei The founder, the great master – Morihei Ueshiba
Deshi Student
Uchideshi Student living at the dojo
Sotedeshi Student living in town
Shoshinsha Beginner
Kohai Younger student
-senpai, Senpai / -sempai, Sempai Senior student
Yudansha Person holding black belt rank.
Aite Partner
Tori Partner performing the technique
Nage Partner performing a throw
Uke Partner recieving the technique
Uchi-tachi Partner attacking with sword
Uke-tachi Partner defending with sword
Kyu Kyu rank
Nan kyu ? What Kyu ?
Rokkyu 6th Kyu
Go kyu 5th Kyu
Yon kyu 4th Kyu
San kyu 3rd Kyu
Ni kyu 2nd Kyu
Ikkyu 1st Kyu
Dan Dan rank
Nan dan ? What Dan ?
Shodan 1st Dan
Ni dan 2nd Dan
San dan 3rd Dan
Yon dan 4th Dan
Go dan 5th Dan
Roku dan 6th Dan
Shichi dan 7th Dan
Nana dan 7th Dan
Hachi dan 8th Dan
Kyu dan 9th Dan
Ju dan 10th Dan


  Body parts

Karada Body
Hone Bone
Atama Head
Men Face, head
Kami no ke / Kami Hair
Hitai Forehead
Me Eyes
Mayu / Mayuge Eyebrow
Matsuge Eyelash
Mimi Ears
Hana Nose
Kuchi Mouth
Kuchibiru Lip
Hoho Cheek
Ago Chin/jaw
Ha Tooth
Nodo Throat
Kubi Neck
Ude Arms
Kata Shoulder
Waki no shita Armpit
Hiji Elbow
Tekubi, kote Wrist
Te Hand
Teganatana “Sword edge” of the hand, from the little finger to the wrist
Yubi Finger
Tsume Nails
Oyayubi Thumb
Hitosashiyubi Forefinger
Nakayubi Middle finger
Kusuri yubi Third finger
Koyubi Little finger
Mune Chest
Onaka Stomach
Naizo Internal organs
Konjo Guts
Tanden Center, Energy center in lower abdomen
Hara Belly
Senaka Back
Koshi Hips
Kinteki Groin
Shiri Buttock
Ashi Legs
Momo Thigh
Hiza Knee
Ashi Foot
Ashikubi Ankles
Ashiyubi Toes
Sumasaki Tips of the toes
Kakato Heel


  Budo and Equipment

Do Path, way
Budo Way of the warrior
Bujin Warrior
Budo-ka Student of Budo
Ai Harmony, joining
Ki Energy, intention, force, life force/energi, spirit
Aikido Way of harmony with the spirit of the universe
Aikido-ka Aikido student
Dojo “The place of the way” or “Place of enlightment”. Often translated as training facility.
Shomen The front of the dojo
Shinza / Kamiza Dojo altar
Rei Bow
Reigi Ettiquette
Dogu Training equipment
Dogi / gi Uniform
Obi Belt
Hakkama Traditional pant-like skirt
Zori Sandals



Keiko Practice / training
Kakeri-geiko Attacking practice
Enbukai Demonstration
Gasshuku Training camp
Kata Preset form
-jutsu, -waza Technique
-dori, -tori Technique
-nage Throwing technique


  Body practice

Taijutsu Body technique
Suwariwaza Seated technique
Tachiwaza Standing technique
Ukemiwaza Technique for breaking a fall
Hamni handachi waza Standing against seated technique
Kaeshiwaza Countering technique
Jiyu-waza Free style practice
Randori Free style practice, Multiple person attack.


  Weapons practice

Bukiwaza Weapon technique
Ken Sword
Bokken Wooden sword
Aiki-ken The sword of Aikido
Jo Staff
Aiki-jo The jo of Aikido
Shiho-giri To cut / strike / thrust in four directions
Happo-giri To cut / strike / thrust in eight directions
Suburi Single person basic weapons practice
Jo-suburi Basic practice with staff, twenty basic movements
Bokken-suburi Basic practice with sword, seven different basic movements
Kumi-tachi Advanced sword practices with partner
Kumi-jo Advanced staff practices with partner
Ken-tai-jo Advanced combined sword and staff practices with partner
Jo-dori Unarmed defense against staff attack. Unarming the oppent and taking the staff.
Jo-nage Throwing techniques using staff
Tachi-dori Unarmed defense against sword attack. Unarming the oppent and taking the sword.
Tanto Knife (wooden knife in practice)
Tanto-dori Unarmed defense against knife attack. Unarming the oppent and taking the knife.


  Positions and Termonology

Suwari Seated
Seiza Sitting on both knees
Anza Sitting with legs crossed
Hanza Sitting on one knee
Tachi Stance
Kamae Posture, attitude
Ken-no-kamae The posture of the sword
Tsuki-no-kamae The posture for thrust, used in Aiki-jo
Hasso-no-kamae “The figure eight position”. The posture with the weapon high above your head next to the right shoulder, used in Aiki-jo
Hanmi Standing posture exposing only half the body
Ma-ai Distance and timing. The distance where one step/attack can be performed to reach the opponent.
Zenshin Preparatory mind, before technique
Tsushin Active mind, performing technique
Zanshin Post-action mind, after technique. Unbroken sprit
Kokyu Breathing
Kokyu-ryoku The power hardness through practice of kokyu
Ki-ai Sprit yell, harmonizing energi
Taisabaki Body movement
Shikko Kneeling movment
Ukemi “Recieving with/through the bode”. To break a fall
Mae ukemi Roll-fall / Break-fall forward
Ushiro ukemi Roll-fall / Break-fall backwards
Suki Gap or opening for an attack / technique
Atemi Attack to vital points
Uchi A strike
Tsuki A thrust
Keri A Kick


  Aikido techniques

The name of an Aikido technique are divided into the following parts:


  • Aihamni katadori ikkyo
  • Aihamni katatedori ikkyo omotewaza kihon
  • Gyakuhamni tskui sankyo urawaza ki-no-nagare


Suwariwaza Seated technique
Hamni-handachi-waza Standing against seated technique
Ai-hanmi Same posture
Gyaku-hanmi Reverse posture




Kosadori, Katate-dori-hantai, Gyaku te-dori Cross hand grab (opposite side)
Katate-dori Wrist grab (same side)
Kata-dori Shoulder grab
Morote-dori Both hands grabbing one wrist
Ryo-kata-dori Shoulder grab on both shoulders
Ryote-dori Wrist grab on both wrist
Sode-dori Sleeve grab (at elbow level)
Sodeguchi-dori Cuff grab
Muna-dori Grip at the chest
Ushiro dori Rear bear hug
Ushiro ryote-dori Grip on both wrists from behind
Ushiro ryo-kata-dori Grip on both shoulders from behind
Ushiro eri-dori Collar grap
Ushiro kubi-shime / Ushiro muna-dori Choking with one hand around the neck from behind


  Stike / Thrust

Men-uchi Strike to the face / head using the teganatana (edge of the hand)
Shomen-uchi Strike to the top of the head using the teganatana (edge of the hand)
Yokomen-uchi Strike to the side of the head using the teganatana (edge of the hand)
Men-tsuki Strike / thrust to the face / head
Mune-tsuki Strike / thrust to the chest
Katate-dori men-uchi Wrist grip and strike to the face / head using the teganatana (edge of the hand)
Kata-dori men-uchi Shoulder grip and strike to the face / head using the teganatana (edge of the hand)
Katate-dori men-tsuki Wrist grip and strike / thrust to the chest
Kata-dori men-tsuki Shoulder grip and strike / thrust to the chest



Mae geri Front kick
Mawashi geri Spinning kick
Yoku geri Side kick


  Height or level

Jodan Upper area of body (neck up)
Chudan Midlle area of body (neck to beltline)
Gedan Lower area of body (below belt)



Tai-no-henko Basic blending practice, body turn
Kokyu-ho Breath exercise
Ikkyo First pinning technique
.. omote waza Front technique
.. ura waza Outside technique
Nikkyo Second pinning technique
.. omote waza Front technique
.. ura waza Outside technique
Sankyo Third pinning technique
.. omote waza Front technique
.. ura waza Outside technique
Yonkyo Forth pinning technique
.. omote waza Front technique
.. ura waza Outside technique
Gokkyo Fifth pinning technique
.. ura waza Outside technique
Rokkyo Sixth pinning technique
Kotegaeshi Wrist throw
Shiho-nage Throw in four directions
.. omote waza Front technique
.. ura waza Outside technique
Irmi-nage Entering technique
Tenchi-nage Heaven-and-earth throw
Kaiten-nage Circular / rotation throw
… uchi kaiten Inside circle
… uchi maware Inside turn/spin
… soto kaiten Outside circle
… soto maware Outside turn/spin
Koshi-nage Hip throw
Juji-garami, Juji-nage, Aya-dori Crossed-arm throw
Kokyu-nage Breath throw
Suwari kokyo-ho / Kokyo-dosa Seated kokyu exercise



Kihon Basic form
Awase Timing, moving together in one movement
Ki-no-nagare Flowing form, “with ki flowing”
Go-tai Basic form
Ju-tai Soft form
Ryu-tai Flowing form



Henka, Henka-waza Variation on technique
Oyo-waza Applied technique

aikido stoke