2nd Kyu
Blue Belt
150 hours
- Shomenuchi Shiho-nage (Omote & Ura)
- Shomenuchi Kaiten-nage (Omote & Ura)
- Yokomenuchi Gokyo (Omote & Ura)
- Ushiro Tekubitori Shiho-nage (Omote & Ura)
- Ushiro Tekubitori Juji-nage
- Ushiro Kubishime Koshi-nage
- Morotetori Nikkyo
- Hanmi Handachi:- Shomenuchi Irimi-nage
- Hanmi Handachi:- Katatetori Nikkyo (Omote & Ura)
- Yokomenuchi Kote-gaehi (Omote & Ura)
- Freestyle with 2 Persons (Attackers)
- Bokken Suburi (Number 1 to 6)
- Jo Kata (Numbers 1 to 24)
- Tanto Tori
- Jo Waza & Jo Tori